(470) 331-9950
Service Details
Which service is right for your needs?
General Items
Any and all items labeled "General" are items in which a short synopsis or summary of the messages, emotions, feelings, and any other sensations that I receive about the subject, situation, person, or item being read or interpreted is provided.
General Analyses do not include the use of Tarot cards, Oracle cards, or any other alternative sources of information.
Detailed Items
Any and all items labeled "Detailed" are items in which an in-depth, comprehensive account of the messages, emotions, feelings, and any other sensations that I receive about the subject, situation, person, or item being read or interpreted is provided.
Detailed Analyses do include the use of Tarot cards, Oracle cards, and/or any other alternative sources of information.
Shad'O Sessions
In a Shad'O Session, I will convey messages, emotions, feelings, and any other sensations that I receive throughout the duration of the session to you and will use the information I receive to answer any and all questions you may have regarding the subject matter for booking the appointment within the allotted time and within the parameters of the selected Shad'O Session.
Shad'O Readings
In a Shad'O Reading, I will convey messages, emotions, feelings, and any other sensations that I receive from what or whom I am reading.
A maximum of 3 questions will be allowed per reading. In order to discuss a reading in greater detail, you will need to book a Shad'O Session.
Shad'O Analyses
During a Shad'O Analysis, you will have available a total of 5 minutes to relay to me the sign/situation/dream/etc. that you wish for me to interpret for you. At the end of your recount or at the end of the 5 minutes, whichever comes first, I will give you a synopsis of the most prominent and pressing messages that stand out to me.
Photo Readings/Sessions
You must provide the photo to be read in the session to madamshado@gmail.com no less than 1 hour before the session is set to begin.
Only one photo is allowed per photo reading or session. Providing additional photos without authorization will subject you to an additional nonrefundable fee of $15 per photo that becomes due immediately.
Failure to pay the $15 fee will cause for instant and immediate termination of the photo session, regardless of the active duration of the session, without refund of the session price in part or as a whole.
Please note that I do reserve the right to refuse services to anyone at any time without explanation.
Live Readings Price List
Only Active During A Live Reading
Items listed in this section are NONREFUNDABLE and only available during a live reading on a social media platform. The color on the reading indicates which Hellpaw you're requesting to pull for you.
Live Channeling
By purchasing a Channeling, you guarantee that your inquiry will be answered during the live reading and that a genuine and solid attempt be made to reach the person on the other side so that messages may briefly be passed directly between you two.
Silent Emergency 911 Pull
By purchasing a Silent Emergency 911 Pull, your inquiry is immediately pushed to the head of the queue, is guaranteed to be answered during the live reading, and will remain anonymous by not reading your question out loud during the live reading.
Emergency 911 Pull
By purchasing an Emergency 911 Pull, your inquiry is immediately pushed to the head of the queue and is guaranteed to be answered during the live reading.
Don't Read Out Loud
By purchasing a Don't Read Out Loud, you are requesting for your inquiry to remain anonymous by not reading your question out loud during the live reading.
Hellpaw Pulls
By purchasing a Hellpaw Pull, you are requesting for your inquiry to be answered by my Hellpaws pulling your cards should they be available during the live reading.
Basic Pulls
By purchasing a Basic Pull, you guarantee that your inquiry will be answered during the live reading.