(470) 331-9950
Madam Shad'O
Spiritual Consultant
Though everyone has the capability to access Spirit, the level of adeptness is not the same. As your Spiritual Consultant, I provide a clear and direct path of communication between you and Spirit. I assist you in asking Spirit your questions in a precise and concise manner, and I assist Spirit by relaying the answers to you in an easy-to-understand manner (because Spirit can sometimes be very cryptic).
Meet your Shad'Oracle
I could make this sound so mystical and otherworldly, but that would be the farthest thing from the truth. As a child, I always knew, saw, heard, and felt things that others didn't. I would have dreams that foretold future events. It wasn't stamped out of me like many have experienced. It was just allowed to develop, but there weren't many easily accessible resources around until the internet explosion. As I matured, so did my abilities and my desire to learn more about them.
I expanded my ability to see without my eyes, hear without my ears, feel with my gut and heart, and decipher the messages and warnings Spirit sends me in my dreams. I have always been the healer of my family. I've always known how to fix any ailment and I never understood why. The more I developed my gifts, the more I encountered people who needed my gifts to help them. They always find me.
So how may I help you?